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You Can Lead a Horse to Water...

… And he might just stand there in the cool creek to beat the heat! With the recent temperatures spiking into the 90s, it’s vital to make sure you and your horse stay properly hydrated. Here are a few tips and signs to tell if your horse is dehydrated this summer.

  • A dehydrated horse will take frequent, shallow breathes.

  • Test the capillaries (small blood vessels) in your horse’s gums, which are located near a horse’s upper teeth. Press the gums with your thumb or index finger and release. They will turn pink/white (much like your skin when you press it), if the color returns back to the pressure spot your horse isn’t in dire dehydration. If the color takes more than 2 seconds to return, you have a dehydrated horse on your hands.

  • Pinch a section of skin from the lower chest and fold. Release the skin. If the skin springs back into place, your horse is not severely dehydrated, but if the skin retains the folded shape or slowly returns to its regular shape, your horse is dehydrated.

Regardless if your horse passes these tests, your horse should always have access to clean water. Our tips came from the Redmond Equine Health website and you can visit them by clicking here.

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